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2024 Mayor's Back to School Fair Participant Registration
Mayor's Back to School Fair
Friday, August 2, 2024
Fair Park: 3809 Grand Avenue
*You must select the populated address to continue with this form
*At least 1 student must be added.
To Add a Student fill in the fields below and click "Add Student"
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To qualify for free school supplies, students must live in the City of Dallas or attend a Dallas ISD school.
All participants must meet and confirm the following requirements in order to receive school supplies. Please confirm by checking the box before each statement.​
I affirm that I meet the income requirements to attend and receive school supplies from the Mayor’s Back to School Fair.
I affirm that the registered students attend a Dallas Independent School District school AND/OR are residents of the City of Dallas.
Warning: I understand that state law requires that all information provided herein must be true and accurate and that providing false information or false records for purposes of obtaining a public benefit is a criminal offense under Texas Penal Code, Section 37.10 and will subject me to liability. In addition, I understand that providing false documents may result in compulsory action, including but not limited to repayment, prosecution, or other enforcement as required by program policy or applicable law or regulation. In the event the City or any regulatory or law enforcement entity deems it necessary to investigate the accuracy of any information I have provided herein, I agree to cooperate fully with such investigation and to promptly furnish any requested information.
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